

Murrels Inlet Sail part two

I forgot to mention what I had used as an anchor light. I bought a battery powered light/lantern at Wall Mart for about $2.50 that runs on 4 AA batteries. However I found that the life span of the batteries is only about 4 hours maybe a little less. It is bright and 360 degress though. I did a little research and found that you can buy a LED replacement bulb that replaces the normal bulb and gets much better power consumption according to several websites that sell them. Prices ranged from 12 dollars to about the mid 20’s for them.

Murrels Inlet Sail

It was the best of times and the worst of times 🙂 lol now that I have the plagerism out of the way I will just call it an interesting time.

Patty and I took the boat out Saturday night at Murrels Inlet, SC. and came back Sunday afternoon. Technically we did this, but not quite according to the plan. The plan was to be on the water about 4 or 5 saturday afternoon and take our time finding a place on the marsh behind Murrels Inlet to anchor for the night. Watch the sunset and just generally kick back. Well life being what it is we didn’t get to my house to pick the boat up till 5pm, 45 minutes of prep-time later we are on the road.