

Turks and Caicos (locations) Daves Drop Off and Vincent’s Secret

Daves Drop Off in Turks and Caicos
Wall Dive
bottom under boat at about 35 ft depth.. about 15 yards to wall where it drops off to several thousand feet
max depth 90 ft
bottom time 37 min
visibility 65 ft
4 min safety stop at 20 ft

10lb weights with 3/2 mm us divers suit. was to light and i needed more weight.. salt water body weight 175
took pictures canon s45 no strobe just in camera flash

80 cuft aluminum
2800 psi start
500 psi end

Vincent’s Secret
Wall Dive
bottom time 43 min
max depth 77ft
visibility 40 to 50 ft
wall starts at 35 ft and dropps to 7000? according to divemaster
john was divemaster for our group
went to about 16lbs lad with 3/2mm suit one piece weight was right this time
water temp 78? was comfortable in suit
pictures with s45 and strobe unit

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