

Sailing and Rafting up at Waities Island

we went out saturday on Pirate Girl and sailed till about 2 in the afternoon and then rafted up beside Runaway, Breck’s Boat. Later Angela in Sea Haven rafted up on us and Al and his wife on Achiles Heel anchored near us.

I got to ride Brecks Jet Ski… oh my.. i have had fun bashing those things for years but MY are they fun to ride 🙂 I didn’t realize what fuel hogs they are though… it ate 13 + gallons of gas .. ouch!!!!

Later in the afternoon we had a bit of excitement when the bow line on Sea Haven parted and the current turned her stern to Pirate Girl’s port side with the engine and boarding ladder of Sea Haven bouncing off of the hull. Everyone was sitting on the beach except one person who was asleep on Pirate Girl and slept till we all started swarming up on the boats… I’m not sure who noticed first what had happened but as soon as I saw it I with steve sprinted down the beach and out into the water … the last 50 feet to the boats was in water we had to swim in and the current was running about 2.5 to 3 knots.. I could barely make headway at a swiming sprint… If it had been 15 to 20 feet farther I’m not sure I would have made the back of pirate girl. About 4 minutes later others from on the beach started to arrive to help me and steve. The lines were so tight that we had an increadably hard time releasing them. we tried pulling Sea Haven back against the current to sit beside Pirate Girl but pulling several thousand lbs of 27 ft boat against the current wasn’t happening.. finally with Steve and  Angela on Sea Haven we released her and let her drift off. Crises resolved they got her running and swung back around.. We passed angela her stuff and she went on back to the marina while steve hopped over onto runnaway. On inspecting Pirate Girl we found no damage just some smudges on her gel coat. I haven’t had a chance to talk to angela and see if she had any damage.

Not long after we took Pirate girl back home tired but happy 🙂

2 comments to Sailing and Rafting up at Waities Island

  • Just discovered your blog and enjoyed reading about all your sailing adventures. But then you go over to the dark side and ride a jet-ski??????

  • Reply from scott 🙂

    lol yep I know it is the dark side with a vengence… I’ve now decided that jet ski’s are only bad when someone else is riding them. oh well probably not going to happen much.. I don’t have the money to buy one and sailing is my passion..

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