

Scottisms (Scotts original Quotes)

These are saying that I have coined over the years. As far as I know they are original to me. If you know me some of them are funnier than is apparent, usually at my expense 🙂


I never grew up, I just learned how to pay bills.

I’ve cashed enough fun checks to cover the blame bill.

No games just life

Individuals seek simplicity and structure
groups seek structure and create complexity
Over time complexity increases geometrically

you can’t beat it when you need it but it will beat you when you don’t (talking about pickup truck utility vs gas cost)

I’ve been told that all my collected hardware in boxes in the shed is called hoarding, My opinion is that  if I put the boxes on a shelf its now  a hardware store.

Without patience life would be stressful

there has been a time or two when I have read the next day what I posted the night before, and just looked at it in wonder. For I am sure I have no idea what I could have been thinking, that such a malformed expression was every written by me, of what must have been a truly sublime idea at the time.
I just wish I could now remember what must have been a truly great thought at the time! Well I hope it was truly great, so that my mental picture of myself, as a metal giant, doesn’t come tumbling down to much less rarefied heights 🙂
hmmm… I’m thinking I don’t even need to wait till tomorrow to wonder what the hell I was talking about this time.

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